Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Luna Lovegood Costume.

So, I love dressing up. And I love Harry Potter. There's a lot of fun to be had  in putting the two together. 
July is when the film finale comes out, so this is my last chance to go all out. At the release of the 6th book, I made Luna Lovegood raddish earrings and a cork necklace to wear. For DH pt.1 I dressed as Narcissa Malfoy:

Why wouldn't Sirius and Narcissa duel? My friend went as Cissy's Sis, Bellatrix Lestrange. I have a picture of us, just don't know where it went.

Anyway, this time around, for the final shebang, I'm picking Luna Lovegood once more. I already have the jewelry, and I'm thinking of buy these specrespecs off the interweb:
After that I just need a weird partly knit outfit with blues and purples, a light up wand (since those are cooler than the wands I've carved in the past) and some Quibblers. Making the Quibblers is proving much harder than I initially intended, so good thing I started early. They are very time consuming.

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